Clinical Training: TF/CBT Spiritual Islamic

This training is designed for clinicians working with children and youth with Islamic backgrounds using Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. The purpose of the training is to provide clinicians with Islamic spiritual tools contextualized in TF-CBT to maximize treatment outcomes for traumatized children and youth. This training aims to minimize the client-clinician mismatch by empowering clinicians with powerful cultural, faithful, and religious tools to amplify the therapeutic relationship with traumatized Muslim children and youth. The training will have the TF-CBT underlying treatment components focused on the Islamic spiritual aspect of the therapy.

The Objectives:

  • Identify cultural complexities related to traumatize young individuals that may interfere with TF-CBT
  • Be familiarized with helpful spiritual and religious language that clinicians, children, and parents can employ in the spiritual oriented healing process
  • Recognize basic religious and spiritual knowledge required for creating client-individualized spiritual and religious therapeutic tools 
  • Capable of contextualizing trauma narrative and cognitive processing in Islamic traditional stories and backgrounds
  • Identify the culturally appropriate relaxation techniques and specific approaches to implement these techniques in family daily rituals